Izzy Nicholls

Expertise: road trips, full-time travel, motorhoming, Europe travel, overlanding and writing itineraries.
Likes: living in a box, wine and croissants!
Bio: Izzy has been a travel writer since 2019 covering everything from gap years to travelling in Morocco, Turkey and the Caucasus in a motorhome. Izzy is the author of Selling Up to Live in a Motorhome and along with hubbie Phil, enjoys helping others to live their dreams through The Gap Decaders. Visit our about page.

Driving in Italy Essential Guide: Rules, Tips + Must Haves

driving in Italy

Are you thinking about driving in Italy? It’s a different experience compared to driving at home, with its own set of rules, road habits, and safety considerations. Before you hit the road in Italy, it’s essential to familiarize yourself with these nuances. In this Italy driving guide, we’ll share lots of practical driving tips and tricks, information about road conditions, and highlight what to expect when you’re behind the wheel so you can enjoy a safe and stress-free road trip in Italy.

Driving in Italy Essential Guide: Rules, Tips + Must Haves .

Beginners Inflatable Kayaking Guide

If you like a bit of adventure and love being on the water, then an inflatable kayak is for you.  If you’re an inflatable kayak beginner you’ll find advice on the best inflatable kayak, tips on planning your inflatable kayak paddle safely and how to manage the logistics of using an inflatable kayak.  

Beginners Inflatable Kayaking Guide .

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