Why it’s Worth Travelling Off the Beaten Path

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With the rise of social media, it can feel like everyone is visiting the same set of star destinations nowadays. While locations like Paris, Ibiza, and Barcelona are obviously wonderful, just going to these popular places can often be quite limiting.

If you’re looking for a slightly different travel experience, then it’s worth considering somewhere slightly less well-known. Whether you want a bit more of an adventure or just want to relax somewhere gorgeous that’s away from the crowds, these are a few of the main benefits of travelling off the beaten path.

travelling off the beaten path

An Authentic Experience

For many people, one of the whole points of travelling is to experience something different. To be reminded that people live in different ways in different places and to embrace those beautiful cultural nuances for a short time. 

While the global tourism industry has meant that most famous locations now feel pretty similar, with the same chains of restaurants and the same drinks menus, stepping off the beaten path is a great way to get back to authenticity.

You get to enjoy the excitement of not quite knowing what to expect, whether that turns out to be just what you wanted or not.

Tourists visiting ancient city and culture of Thailand

Avoid Mainstream Prices

Stepping off the beaten path also means that you get to travel without paying mainstream prices. By going somewhere that’s a little less known, you get to benefit from cheap flights, affordable and potentially unique accommodations, and culinary experiences that are priced for locals rather than fancy tourists.

If you’re hoping to have a great experience without having to break into your last savings account, then trying out a lesser-known location can be a wonderful way of achieving that goal.

Shot of travel documents and a laptop on a table.

Sustainable Travelling

Mass tourism has, unfortunately, had some pretty disastrous effects in terms of sustainability. In lots of places, local populations have been entirely priced out of their home area’s housing market, not to mention the impact that huge influxes of people have on the local flora, fauna, and water supplies.

By travelling somewhere that’s at least somewhat under the radar, you can avoid contributing to this increasingly pressing issue. You can contribute to the local economy without essentially taking it over.

An added bonus of this is that the locals are also more likely to be pleased to see you around if they don’t see you as a threat!

Mass of tourists at the Trevi Fountain, the historic center of the city of Rome in Italy.

Discover Unique Hidden Gems

Lastly, when you travel to popular destinations, you can pretty much expect what you see. Whether through films or social media, not much will be left up to the imagination, and while potentially wonderful, it might not quite be what you’re looking for.

By stepping off the beaten path for a moment, you can open your horizons, increasing the chances that you’ll discover some unique, hidden gems along the way.

Doing something a little different next time you travel can have a huge impact on your experience. It’s always worth stepping outside your comfort zone – who knows what you might discover.

Young family sitting in nature with view over trees to mountains

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